
Member Club of New York - New Jersey Trail Conference


image-penActivity Registration

To participate activity you must contact leader(s) in advance via phone (leader’s phone numbers are published on the CMC Newsletter and available to members only) or via e-mail. Due to the fact that all trip leaders are volunteers, please be courteous to make your call between 8:00pm-10:00pm unless  noted otherwise.

image-backpack3What to Bring?
We recommended you to bring the following items for the trip:
Small backpack, hiking boots, wind/rain jacket, water, food (lunch), map of area, compass, watch, sun screen, first-aid kit.  Pets might not allowed on certain trails. Dogs must be leashed all the time.  Please check with leader before the trip. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages.

image-wilsleDuring the trip
Stay on the trail all the time.  Do not litter. Be conscious to protect the environment

Follow leader’s pace, neither ahead nor falling too far behind. The leader should be told if you drop out, even temporarily. Courtesy to the leader and your fellow hiker.

image-car1 Carpool / Transportation Arrangement
CMCNY can provide transportation to non drivers by arranging carpools for the most of one day activities.  Car-poolers must contact trip leader in advance to reserve the seat.
Carpool fees (usually from $12.00 to $15.00, depends on the distance) will be paid directly to drivers. NOTE: car pool pickup location is usually the trip assembly location.  On returning trip drivers will determine the drop off location that is convenient to drivers.

Meeting Places
In New York City
West 39th Street & Broadway

In Queens
Cunningham Park, Queens

Always check with leader before the trip to confirm the meeting place. Meeting time is departure time! NOT assembly.

image-payActivity Fee
One day hiking or biking activities are free to CMCNY members. Nonmembers pay $2.00 per person. The activity fee is waived if you join the Club on the date of activity.

image-legalLegal Stuff - Please read!

All memberships are subject to the approval of the Board of the Club. The CMCNY does not discriminate because of race, creed, sex or national origin Members agree to abide by the Bylaws of the Club and the instructions of the trip leaders. Members agree to honor Club policy. 

Payment of dues constitutes agreement of those signed to join activity with the policies of the Chinese Mountain Club of New York including the following LIABILITY WAIVER STATEMENT, which MUST be signed by all persons age 18 and older who wish to belong to the CMCNY under this application. If this is an application for JUNIOR membership, a parent or guardian as well as the applicant MUST sign.

The Chinese Mountain Club of New York, Inc. and/or its trip leaders, officers, or representatives, shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to persons and/or property, direct or consequential, arising out of any trips and/or activities of the Club. The assumption of risk, which is inherent in this type of rugged outdoor activity, is implied on the part of each person who attends any outing trip and every person participating in any of said trips and/or activities assumes all risk and liability in connection therewith. .

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Last Update: Copyright CMCNY (c) 1997-2008, Send comments & questions to


Visitor Counter Since 6/20/2008